Saturday, August 6, 2016

August 5, 2016

Friday's are usually a slow day for me.  Lunch is always fish that is only tolerable with hot sauce, but today's was a new breaded fish that was pretty good.  No organized sports today.  Normally on Friday I go outside and walk for exercise, but it's hot and gloomy outside, plus I'm still nursing my knee, so I'm taking it easy.  Working on the later parts of "A Life Wasted" and reading.
I called my youngest daughter this afternoon.  Hope is 23, married two years and most significantly pregnant with her first child.  She's very pregnant in that the baby is due any day now.  I caught her coming out of her doctor's office so we talked about the visit.  Her doctor "weighed" the baby, which I didn't know they could do.  Some type of new medical technology I've not heard of.  The baby weighs 8 pounds and 13 ounces: nearly 9 pounds.  Hope is a bit apprehensive, as all moms are with their first child.  She is pleased her mom will be there with her.  If I were having a baby I'd want Mary there too.  I am sure she'd enjoy that reversal of roles.
So grandchild #15 due any day now.  With our nine children and our previous fourteen grandchildren, this child will be the 24th baby born as a result of our marriage.  Okay, it's wrong for me to take credit for the grandchildren, but you get my point.  Three of our sons have yet to have children, which I am sure they will have, so more grandchildren will follow.  My guess is we'll have ten more grandchildren.  Twenty-five grandchildren has a nice ring to it.  Give Mary and I something to brag about in the retirement home.
I mentioned reading.  The only good thing about prison is that it gives me plenty of time to read.  If I were home Mary would have me doing chores all day, but here I get to lay around and read.  Mary gets mad at me when I call this my "retirement" and promises to abuse me when I get home, which I don't doubt.   So for now I take advantage of the situation and read all I can.
I like to read fiction, but I also read newspapers and magazines.  I read the Wall Street Journal cover to cover, every day (a guy in my cell block gets it and lets me read it).  I read an assortment of magazines.  I like Wired and Fast Company, but my favorite are flying magazine. When either "Flying" or "Plane & Pilot" arrive, the officer giving out the mail says, "Waagner, your porn is in."That always turns heads because we can't get porn.  All things aviation really are porn for me.  All those lovely planes that I'll never get to fly are a thing of my fantasies.  In my defense I do more than look at the pictures, I read every word of every article in every flying magazine.  I even read the ads.Can't help myself.  I'm addicted.  I love everything about aviation.
I average four fiction books a week.  Today I am reading Brad Meltzer's latest book, "The House of Secrets."  I've read ten of Brad Meltzer's previous books and they are all solid reads.  Same with this one.  Good read.  I'm also reading Seth Godin's inspiring business book, "The Icarus Deception". This is the second time I've read this book and I figure there will be a third.  Seth Godin is a smart fellow and his books have such deep meaning that it takes me a few reads to learn all I can from them.

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